Expansive Soils + Heat – Water = Moving Foundations. I have heard more than usual people talking about foundation issues and I have heard that foundation companies are extremely busy right now. So I just wanted to take a few minutes to share some information on the subject.  I am certainly no expert in foundations, but I do talk to and meet with experts and learn things in my line of work from time to time and just thought I would share them.  Please consult with true experts if you have additional questions or concerns.

1. Many people “water” their foundations incorrectly – I know I did too at one point.  When the weather is so severe that you start seeing large cracks in the soil or the soil starts pulling away from your home you need to add moisture to keep the soil at a consistent level.  Sometimes with the severe heat we have been having just watering your lawn may not do enough for your foundation and we pull out the soaker hoses.  The soaker hoses should be placed 15-18 inches away from your foundation.  Do not put soaker hoses up against your foundation as this can erode the soil at the base of the foundation and may not evenly provide the foundation moisture and cause additional problems.  Using electric timers on the soaker hose will help regulate the amount of time and water. 

2. Don’t forget about the flower beds and plants.  Flowerbeds and areas with plants will require more water because the plants are thirsty too – you may need to turn up the sprinkler system on zones with trees and plants to ensure they aren’t stealing all the moisture from your foundation.  You may not notice the ground separating in those hidden areas behind mulch or plants either if you don’t don’t pay close attention.

3. If you feel that you have foundation issues you can have free foundation estimates or you can have a structural engineer consult on the issue.  If you have a foundation company come to look at the issues make sure you have more than one come out to get varying opinions – remember they have a product to sell you.  Or you can make a $450 investment in a structural engineer consulation and they can let you know if you really have problems, options to remedy and guide you through the process ensure that any work completed is done correctly as well.

Keep in mind that expansive soil is like a living thing that grows with moisture and shrinks with lack of moisture and that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a problem.  Strive to keep the soil around your home at a consistent moisture level year round.